
Indian Palms Announces a Major Security Technology Upgrade!

Indian Palms Master Association is pleased to announce that we will be conducting a major upgrade of our access security technology. This comes after over a year of research and planning. The installation will take approximately two to three weeks to complete. As part...

President’s Comments July 22, 2022

PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS – 7.22.22 In recent months, our community has seen ever increasing problems relating to trash. On any given Monday morning, one might well be appalled at the sight of either mounds of trash carelessly presented for pickup, or loose items of...

Concrete and Paver Work at Lifestyle Center

The Board of Directors has approved new concrete and pavers in front of the main pool gate at the Lifestyle Center, both sides of the entrance gate, about 2000 square feet. This work will commence Thursday, June 23, 2022, by Vantage Point Construction. The contractors...