
President’s Report 4-21-23

Click here to open the President's Report in PDF format  Presidents Report–April 21, 2023 The April 18th Executive board meeting was attended by a full board with Shelly and Nick from PPM present as well. The board is happy to announcethat the contract has been signed...

March 29, 2023 – President’s Report

Dear friends and neighbors, As I have ended my term as president of our HOA, I thought to present my State of the Community.  I’ll start by applauding the efforts and accomplishments of this board and PPM, our management company. Volunteers of their time, your board...

President’s Letter 4-12-23

 April 12, 2023 Good day IPCCA homeowners and Happy Spring! Best wishes, a happy retirement from board duties and a big thank you to our outgoing president Matt Cutugno and vice-president Elke Botta. The many hours of volunteer time are much appreciated. Thank you for...

Pool Deck Resurfacing Update

Your board and management have been working on resurfacing the IPCCA pool decks. The Cochran pool, as pictured is complete. The Delano pool and Lifestyle Center will be done after the Festivals are complete.