We are pleased to announce IPCCA/Lifestyle Center (LSC) outdoor facilities (pools and courts) are being reopened, as of July 31, 2020. We hope to be able to keep them open, but that will depend on: 

 The authorities continuing to allow these facilities to operate; and 

 Our members’ careful observance of COVID-19 public health guidelines at these areas – social distancing, face coverings when near others, proper disinfecting/sanitizing, and so on. Details of the recommended practices are posted at these locations and on the LSC and HOA websites. Failure to follow the guidelines may result in having LSC or satellite pool privileges suspended and/or fines or other penalties being levied. Use of these facilities is at your own risk!! We need everyone to take responsibility for his/her own safety. 

Please help our community keep these facilities safely open for all our homeowners to enjoy. Email PPM if you observe violations or problems. It is up to all of us of make this work. Things may change with circumstances, but we hope for the best! We will not be reopening the gym or resuming organized group activities such as classes at this time. 



A Word about LSC Dues Refunds 

People have asked about possible LSC dues refunds because of pandemic closures. We have analyzed the financials for the past few months and found the “savings” are less than $4/member for the entire period. Think of the LSC as a property owned by the members – even if it is unused for a while, you still have to keep the lawn mowed and watered, pay insurance, taxes, the mortgage, utility bills, pool maintenance, accounting costs, etc. We have spent less on staff and instructor compensation, but that is a small part of overall expenses. Also, we anticipate certain cost increases when the gym is reopened – for example, we will need extra staff to manage required indoor distancing and increased cleaning and disinfecting responsibilities. There are significant administrative costs involved in issuing a refund, and we might be better off to accrue any savings and put those funds toward covering increased expenses anticipated in 2021. LSC dues were not raised for 2020, but we expect increased costs in 2021 because of general inflation and the increase in the minimum wage to $15/hour. 

For these reasons, we do not plan on issuing refunds at this time. We will keep an eye on this going forward. 

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation. 

Board of Directors – IPCCA 

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