February 27, 2020
Re: 2020 IPCCA Annual Membership Meeting Dear Homeowner(s),

Your Board of Directors is complying with the election laws and Civil Code which requires the announcement of the election results to be made 15 days after the annual meeting. The Board extends their thanks to all homeowners who participated by sending in their ballots and attending or volunteering their time to assist at the meeting. Your Board is pleased to announce the following:

President – Maggie Stern
Vice President – Elke Botta
Treasurer – Greg Embury
Secretary – Sandy Stewart
Director at Large – Rod Garcia

Board meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month at 5:00pm at the Palm Terrace Room at Indian Palms Country Club excluding July, August & December. The agenda for the meeting is posted at the Lifestyle Center on the outside bulletin board and on the IPCCA website. Meetings may be subject to change at the Board’s discretion.

As you know, the HOA is run by your Board of Directors elected by you. The Board establishes, monitors, and administers the annual budget, and it sets the annual dues required to meet the budget. It also set policies, enforces the Governing Documents, the Articles of Incorporation; the Bylaws; the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s); and the Rules & Regulations for the HOA. The Board also maintains common areas within the HOA and has responsibility for the Lifestyle Center and staff.

Personalized Property Management provides management services for IPCCA as directed by your Board; this includes managing the Lifestyle Center and the staff there. Please contact Shelly Ruegsegger, Senior Community Manager, or Caren Oliva, Assistant Community Manager, to report any issues, concerns or helpful comments. PPM has a 24 hour answering service for after hours, weekends and holidays. You can call 760-325-9500, hit 1 then speak to a live operator who will dispatch the appropriate HOA vendor for your issue.

Again, thank you for assisting in the process of making your community the best it can be and the Board & PPM look forward to a productive, positive and prosperous 2020.


Board of Directors
Indian Palms Country Club Association

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