Indian Palms Country Club Association
Presidents Report
November 15, 2023


Welcome back Snowbirds! We hope everyone, including our permanent homeowners are enjoying the upgrades the board and PPM have done this past year at the Lifestyle Center and throughout the rest of the HOA. We rebuilt Enchantment Lakes by the 50th street gate which is the main retention basin for the property as water flows south to that area. I have included a copy of the IPCC map and marked the area with a black X. You should pay a visit and see how beautiful it turned out. 

For 2024 – the board and PPM will be concentrating on doing two major projects; crack fill and street slurry and re-do of the epoxy material on the deck at the Lifestyle Center pool, spa area and new concrete at the bathrooms in the pool area. 

Now for my report: 

The board had their Executive meeting on November 14, 2023, with all members present supported by Shelly Ruegsegger and Nicholas Evans from PPM. 

The board discussed the contracts for resurfacing of the LSC pool, spa area and the new bathroom area as noted above as a 2024 budget project. Our contractor did moisture tests to ensure that the new surfacing/epoxy would stick to the deck. After the test results, we will be able to move forward and use the newest epoxy products to have a lot stronger finish in the areas mentioned above. This is a major project and we have chosen to contract for this process to begin around June 1, 2024. Our contractor expects this project to be completed in about 6-8 weeks. The pool area will be closed at that time. We understand this will be an inconvenience to many homeowners and tried to choose a time that would affect the least number of users. I am sure the result will be welcomed by all. 

The board reviewed collections and violations along with review of the current contract with Patrol Masters for street parking. The board has asked Shelly to talk with Allied Services, who manages our gates, to get a proposal for consideration. 

We discussed the importance of respectful behavior towards fellow homeowners and all LSC and PPM staff. They will continue to be checking membership cards at all venues so please remember to have them with you along with your ID or driver’s license. Card sharing is not allowed. 

We are happy to announce that we have restarted our LSC committee and have reached out to all venues to have representation on this committee. We are pleased to see the volunteers step up. Thank you to Diane Pazos, Dick Kupski, Joanie Thompson, and Sherry Conrad for being a part of this committee. The committee will be supported by Lynn Schaan (IPCCA president) and Shelly from PPM. Please be respectful of these volunteers’ recreation time and time your kudos and concerns accordingly. We are all there to have fun, not be bombarded by board or HOA business. If you have an issue, please use email to communicate to PPM, to Shelly, Nick or Mark See in the maintenance department. Bob Spielberger has stepped off this committee and we thank him for all his past efforts, he has done a great job! 

The 2024 budgets will be mailed out shortly and I am pleased to announce there will not be an increase in the IPCCA or Lifestyle budgets. 

Let’s all remember that you are responsible for your tenants and guests. If they do something that violates the governing documents, you will be held accountable. Please be sure to give them a copy of the Rules & Regulations. 

On October 11, 2023, you were mailed for 28-day comment DRAFT Rules & Regulations and Fee Schedule for memberships for the Lifestyle Center. With only one comment coming on, the board approved the draft at their meeting on 11.14.23. They will be posted soon on the website and available at the gym. 

Next year, the board plans to send a survey out to the owners asking what their needs, wishes, wants are. The board wants to hear from the community so be on the lookout for that. We will let you know more later. 

The new restrooms at the Lifestyle Center should be done by the end of November for all to enjoy. The board and PPM worked hard on this endeavor and are very proud it will be done shortly. It’s been a long time coming with past boards saving for the work. Kudos to them for assisting this board in making it a reality! 

IPCCA continues to be a great place to call home whether you live here full-time or part-time. We are all neighbors and should take pride in everything we continue to improve and enjoy. As we enter the holiday season let’s make kindness the standard for our community. May you enjoy this time with family and friends and those you hold closest to you. 

The IPCCA board is dark in the month of December and our next meeting is January 16th, 2024. We will also hold an Open House for the owners in January and more information will be sent out as that gets closer. 

The 2024 Annual Membership Meeting will be held March 27, 2024. If you would like to run for the board, look for the Nomination Form to nominate yourself, to be sent out mid to end of December. There will be 3 open seats to fill. If you are a team player, want to make a difference in your community and have the time, please consider running. 

The street parking for Thanksgiving & Christmas; there will be a reprieve with no ticketing or towing. To find out more, please visit the News section on the main page of the website at 

Happy Holidays… 

Respectfully submitted, 

Lynn Schaan 


For the Board of Directors – IPCCA