IPCCA Board Report – June 2023 

The June 20th executive session was attended by a full board with Shelly and Nick from PPM present. 

The LSC pool bathroom project and the Enchantment Lakes project are proceeding, and we are all anxious to see the results. 

As last reported IPCCA has entered a streets contract with the master association IPMA to have a more streamlined approach to asphalt improvements and repairs as IPCCA has shared streets with other sub HOA’s. 

In executive session a motion to approve the contract to fix and repair the curbs and gutters in the NE corner of IPCCA (site of the new Gallery Homes) was passed and these improvements will take place soon. 

Discussions around the violation’s reports were had. Please note that violations of the HOA rules and regulations are everyone’s right and responsibility to report to the management company. Please contact Nick at PPM by email or phone call to report your concerns. This board will not engage in discussion or debate on social media and encourage homeowners to contact PPM and City of Indio code enforcement of any issues that are in violation of IPCCA rules and regulations. We are a community of many homes and families, and we should all be working towards making Indian Palms a great place to live. 

I would like to take time to mention again that there still is a vacancy on our board. Please consider putting forward a resume and join us in continuing to represent and work on behalf of the homeowners in IPCCA. 

We look forward to hearing from the homeowners during the forums that are provided within the regular sessions of the board meetings. We will be going dark for the months of July and August and wish you a happy, fun filled summer. Please add Sept 19, 2023, to your calendar for the next regular IPCCA board meeting at 5:00pm. Also if you go to the website at IPCCA-hoa.com, there is an interactive calendar where as any meeting dates that are posted, you can click on them and it will populate your personal calendar so you will never miss a meeting. Give it a try. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Lynn Schaan
IPCCA Board President