Click here to view in PDF format – Conduct During Association Board Meetings (PDF).

 The Association’s Board of Directors welcomes Association members to attend open session Board meetings. The open session Board meetings are for homeowners/members only. To qualify as a member, you must be the owner of record of a home in IPCCA. Non-members are not permitted to attend open session Board meetings unless previously approved by the Board of Directors. 

At the Board meeting, the Board can generally only address matters included on the agenda. There are exceptions for emergencies or for matters that came to the Board’s attention after the agenda was posted and which require immediate consideration. 

Each open session Board meeting will include a homeowner forum, generally at the beginning or end of the meeting, during which members can address the Board. Each member will have roughly 3 minutes to address the Board regarding Association issues. The homeowner forum is not a question-and-answer period or a debate. Board members will listen to the members, but generally will not respond. That does not mean they can’t, it just means they can choose not to. The purpose of the homeowner forum is for the member to provide input to the Board. 

The Board will not tolerate abusive language or disruptive conduct. If a member refuses to abide by the time limit, shouts, cusses, interrupts other members, speaks out of turn or interrupts the regular business of the Board, that member may be asked to leave the meeting and/or the meeting recessed or adjourned to another date. If the meeting is done via Zoom, you will be asked to leave or be removed by the Admin. If any meeting is adjourned due to the misconduct of an Association member, that member may be subject to suspension of membership privileges following notice and a hearing. 

Please understand, the Board meeting is a meeting of the Directors of the Indian Palms Country Club Association and a business meeting. It is not a member/Director meeting. The members elect the Directors and the Directors run the corporation. No video or audio recording, taping, transmission, or other method of recording or transmitting the Board meeting may be taken unless done strictly by the Board or approved by the Board prior to the meeting. 

During Board meetings, members who are not directors may address the Board only during the time set aside for member comments in the agenda or when otherwise recognized by the presiding officer. Thank you.