Coachella & Stagecoach Festivals 2024 – IPCCA HOA ONLY
Festival Dates: April 12-14, April 19-21 & April 26-28, 2024

Homeowners, the Board of Directors & Patrol Masters will not enforce the no overnight parking rule for IPCCA during the three festivals weekends. This means that starting on Thursday (1:00am) to Monday (6:00am) of the three weekends, you will not be ticketed or towed. Please be sure to educate your short-term rental guests & family members of the HOA rules & regulations and the City of Indio noise ordinance. Both can be found on the website at You are solely responsible for the behavior of persons residing in your home.

If you need to file a noise complaint, please do so by calling Indio Code Enforcement or file a complaint with them through the City of Indio website. Also, call the police if warranted. If you need to file something with the HOA on the next business day, video evidence is required for the Board to go after the homeowner. You can send that to Nick Evans at PPM to [email protected] with a description of the complaint.

Remember Patrol Masters will be onsite during the festivals to patrol IPCCA (from 12-6am only). Feel free to call them if you need assistance with a trespasser, people at the pools after hours, or a noise issue, etc. and they will send patrol over. This company is independent from the front gate security (Allied) and works directly for IPCCA only. You can reach them at 877-648-0602. Of course, the front gate staff is there for you to – 760-863-4161.

Thank you, Board of Directors – IPCCA