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December 29, 2020
Re: 2021 Annual Meeting to Elect the Board of Directors – IPCCA

Dear Homeowner(s),

The Board of Directors is actively seeking homeowners to serve as:

Directors (2 Open Seats)
Directors are expected to attend the regular Board Meetings each month (via Zoom currently) and may also participate in other activities, such as Committee assignments. Two Directorship terms will expire in 2021. The 2-year Directorship terms will commence following the 2021 Annual meeting. If you will consider becoming a nominee for this position, please include with the attached application a brief resume of your relevant background experience.

The eligibility requirements are as follows:
Must be the Owner of a Unit
Must be the only member of the residential Lot running for election
No person can run for a seat at the same time as another person who holds a joint interest in the same lot or, if currently on the board

Inspector of Elections (1 Volunteer)
The Inspector supervises the elections, opens the envelopes containing the secret ballot and counts the votes. In accordance with the CC&Rs, the Board of Directors will appoint one Inspector of Elections from among those volunteering for the position. Please note that the Board will not select a member of the Board of Directors, a candidate for the Board of Directors, a relative of a member of the Board or of a candidate, or a person currently employed by or under contract to the Association for other compensable services to serve as an Inspector of Election.

More information will be provided to the volunteers on how this process will take place in these COVID times. You may be required to travel to Palm Desert to a designated location with minimal persons (4 maximum) in attendance and all COVID guidelines will be followed.

District Delegates (2 Volunteers)
Delegates are needed for the eleven Delegate Districts. In accordance with the CC&Rs, the Board of Directors can appoint one delegate and one alternate delegate for each district. The delegate casts votes as instructed by and on behalf of the individual members of the Delegate District that the delegate represents at the Delegates Meeting. Delegates must be members and reside in Indian Palms Country Club Association. You will be notified in writing if you are chosen by the Board of Directors to be a Delegate.

More information will be provided to the volunteers on how this process will take place in these COVID times. You may be required to travel to Palm Desert to a designated location with minimal persons (4 maximum) in attendance and all COVID guidelines will be followed.

To conclude… All homeowners should take every opportunity to protect and enhance their investments by taking an active part in Association business. We strongly urge homeowners to become involved and to participate in the operation of Indian Palms Country Club Association’s activities. By volunteering to become a member of the Board, you are helping to maintain the community’s standards. You will be informed in a separate mailing of the 2021 annual meeting date, time and location but note it will most likely be in March 2021 this year.

This is NOT the annual meeting for IPCA (Master Association) which handle gates and security. This is the annual meeting for IPCCA which is the Homeowners Association you live in.

If you have any questions, please call Shelly Ruegsegger, Senior Community Manager or Caren Oliva, Assistant Manager at the number above.

Board of Directors
Indian Palms Country Club Association

* The Association shall not disqualify a person from nomination, unless that person has been provided an opportunity to engage in Internal Dispute Resolution (“IDR”) consistent with the Association’s IDR Policy (or, if the Association has not adopted an IDR Policy, in accordance with the internal dispute resolution default policy set forth in Civil Code §5915).

Application to Volunteer 

As Nominee to serve on the Board of Directors, or to serve as an Inspector of Elections, or a District Delegate: 



Property Address__________________________________________________ 

Mailing Address___________________________________________________ 

Home Phone______________________ Cell Phone______________________ 

Email Address: ___________________________________________________ 

I hereby volunteer to be considered for appointment to the following position: 

(_) Directorship Nominee (_) Inspector of Elections (_) District Delegate 

By__________________________ Date_______________ 

(Must be signed to be valid) 

If you are volunteering to be a nominee for a Board Directorship, please include a short bio of your experience and background relevant to serving in this position, so that voting members who do not know you personally may get to know you and have reason to want to elect you. You may attach a bio of up to 100 words with this application or email your bio to PPM (in Word format – preferred method) which will be sent to all Association members with the Notice of Annual Meeting and balloting materials. You must return this application by the deadline stated below in order for your name to be included on the Associations mailing of the notice and ballot materials. 


1) By mail: 
Indian Palms Country Club Association 
C/O Shelly Ruegsegger 
68-950 Adelina Rd 
Cathedral City, CA 92234 
2) Fax to 760-364-6039 
3) Scan and email to [email protected]