Reflections Lake Re-Build Project for 2021 – 10.13.21
The Board has received several comments on the lake re-build at Reflections off Sherman and Yeager. To be clear, Bear Valley Water Features is starting DEMOLITION ONLY ON THE LAKE and adjoining landscape around the water feature on Wednesday, October 20, 2021. Some of the current landscape will be a casualty of construction activity, but we will restore things to approved design levels by the end of the project. This does not involve removing any existing trees. Demolition will take about 3-4 days to complete. After that, Bear Valley will start grading and shaping and re-building. At conclusion of their work (approx. 4 weeks), the landscapers will come in and trench for irrigation piping and the electrician will trench and install electrical wiring. Because of the long lead time in scheduling the lake reconstruction and ordering specialized equipment, etc., we hesitate to delay the start of the project scheduled to begin very soon. However, beginning the project now does not mean we cannot make plan changes if needed.
What does this mean to all of you? It means the Board has at least 4 weeks from today to finalize the pathway and new landscaping around the lake.
What are the Board’s plans? They will review a new plan at the October 19th Board meeting that leaves the pathway in the existing location and with the same general configuration. The redesigned path has concrete curbing and will be surfaced with DG. The existing trees all stay and desertscape is limited to the area from the path inward to the lake. This is needed to keep grass clippings, seeds, and fertilizer from the lake water to reduce algae growth. There may be a 2-foot area of DG outside of the path to protect the path from getting soaked by the grass sprinklers. As you can tell, we have already taken many of your suggestions to heart in developing this new design. The revised plan will be on the website shortly and shared at the meeting on Tuesday, October 19, 2021.
To summarize, it does not appear that the lake rebuild itself is the issue; in fact, several of the owners have emailed the Board and said they approve of that part of the project, especially the water conservation with reduced leakage, lower utility and other maintenance costs, and so on. It is just adjusting the landscape around the lake that is of concern. From what has been presented, the actual water feature itself will not change much. To understand further, the lake re-build (new liner, edging, pump system, electrical, separating the meters for irrigation and lake water, piping for water intake and circulation, skimming for debris reduction, and so on) is very separate from the landscape surrounding the water feature and done by separate contractors. Landscape around the water feature is the last thing done and we have time to change those plans based on your input.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts at the meeting. If you can have a spokesperson from your group of homes there to talk on everyone’s behalf, that would be great. If you wish, we could also ask for a show of hands of those agreeing with the spokesperson’s views, so that we all can have an idea of the number of concerned owners. We have a Homeowner Forum at the beginning of the meeting for owner input on anything that you want to bring up. Time permitting, we also try to have another forum at the end of the business meeting in case owners have additional comments after seeing what happened during the meeting.
We look forward to seeing you at the meeting, 5:00pm – October 19, 2021, via Zoom. The link is below.
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Board of Directors