President’s Comments
May 24th, 2021

I thought I would comment on a few issues that seem to be on people’s minds.

• Rules Enforcement
• Resort Maintenance Deficiencies (golf course, entrance area landscaping)
• Short-Term Rentals (STRs)

Rules Enforcement – Parking
We recently cut back on the patrol hours for parking enforcement because we had very few problems – people were generally following the rules and we thought we could reduce the security expense for this. Well, I am sorry to say parking problems have increased with this cut back and we will therefore be changing the enforcement schedule back to 7 days a week very shortly. Please remember that you must safe list a vehicle to have it parked on the street overnight without a citation and that vehicles are automatically towed after a certain number of citations. You cannot “safe list” a prohibited vehicle – and prohibited vehicles may be towed immediately. Check the website for information on safe listing a vehicle, prohibited vehicles, and so on if you have questions. Contact PPM for your safelist letter which contains your code to safe list your vehicle yourself online.

Resort Maintenance Deficiencies
We continue to get complaints about the state of the golf course and poor landscaping in the main entrance area and in the Resort’s area of responsibility for exterior landscaping (mainly the main gate to 48th on Monroe). I know IPCA is working with the Resort on the general area landscaping problem, and we hope for positive news on this soon. Additionally, our Board will be communicating with the City of Indio municipal officials (mayor, city council, Indio Police Department Code Enforcement, and so on) to see if they can use their influence and authority to ensure the golf course itself is properly maintained.

Short-Term Rentals (STRs)
We are receiving increased complaints about STRs, particularly “party houses” rented for weekends, with consequent noise, parking, and behavior problems at the pools and elsewhere. Our CCRs govern the rules and regulations for this HOA, and there are presently no restrictions on STRs. Several HOAs and municipalities have such restrictions (minimum rental periods of 14-30 days, nothing less than 3 months, etc.), but our HOA does not prohibit these rentals. We doubt the City of Indio will prohibit STRs because of Indio’s dependence on festival revenue. We are consulting our legal counsel on possible steps to take in this regard – perhaps amending the CCRs or changing them altogether. It is extremely difficult for the Board or our community management firm to control this problem in a timely and effective manner without some authority in our governing documents. Most STR landlords do not provide renter information to us even though the Rules ask them to do so. We can see what addresses have STR licenses as required by the City, but we do not necessarily know when or to whom those homes are rented. More on this as we get information from our attorney.

However, in the meantime please become familiar with City of Indio regulations regarding STRs (licenses, fees, etc.), noise, and other related issues and call the Code Enforcement Department of the Indio Police if you are experiencing problems at 760-391-4123. The police have the authority to handle these issues promptly and effectively. Code Enforcement complaints may also be made online – check the Indio Police Department website. Please email Nick Evans at PPM with addresses and specifics on recurring “party house” problems – he will contact the landlord and we can pursue hearings and fines for continuing problems.
Also, the City has established a Vacation Rental Hotline 760-541-4222. If you need to register a complaint about a vacation rental home in your neighborhood, in a non-emergency situation such as a noise complaint, late night partying etc. call this number.

And lastly if it is an urgent situation or emergency, call the police at 911. The nonemergency phone number for the Indio police is 760-391-4057.

Other improvements are continuing this summer. To name a few, the Fields 3 lake rebuild is complete and we will be starting work on the Royal Vista and Reflections lakes shortly; we are sprucing up the main gym area and bathrooms at the Lifestyle Center (repainting, new countertops, new flooring, new tile, etc.), looking into new weight and aerobics equipment, and fixing current issues with the golf cart parking area by the pool; we are also updating the landscaping in certain common areas (the interior side of the 50th gate and the retention basin off of Beatty). See details on these and other projects in the minutes when they are posted on the website.

Next regular meeting – 6/15/21, 5:00 pm, via Zoom. Information on how to access the meeting will be posted on the website prior to the meeting. We will be dark in July and August 2021.

I will close with a reminder to email PPM if you have questions or issues. That way, you will get a correct answer (vs. what is said on social media) and, also, if we do not know, we cannot fix it!

Email addresses for PPM:
Shelly Ruegsegger – Senior Community Manager – [email protected]
Nick Evans – Rules Violations/Architectural App’s – [email protected]
Mark See – Work Orders to our Vendors – [email protected]
Jessica Franz – Dues Questions & Collections – [email protected]
Website –

Maggie Stern – President – IPCCA Board
For the Board of Directors – 5/24/21

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